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This discovery starts outside the line 1 and 7 metro stop Palais Royal/Musee de Louvre (exit: Place Colette—Kiosque des Noctambules—the colored glass beads) at the one time home of a young Louis XIV, subsequently re-conceived as the world’s first indoor shopping experience. We follow a sense of sartorial beauty which once inspired the Dandy and continues to be refreshed by hip and haute couture from rue Saint Honore to Saint Germain. All the fashion rage, a stop for a nice coffee, Cherche-Midi and more than a few other hidden streets, exclusive boutiques, and opportunities to mingle with knowledgable shopkeepers.
       THE meeting  point


Virtual available
DISTRICTS: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8
INTENSITY: moderate
DISTANCE: go deep


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